Aya In a Nutshell

This was a turning point in my life.
I applied to study Facilitating Career Development Program. And I was selected among the few individuals to study the program with UNICEF. Then received international accreditation from NCDA in the United States by studying and practicing for over 2800 hours. Thus, I became one of 2000 persons accredited as GCDF from NCDA all over the globe.
Aya In a Nutshell
This was a turning point in my life.
I applied to study Facilitating Career Development Program. And I was selected among the few individuals to study the program with UNICEF. Then received international accreditation from NCDA in the United States by studying and practicing for over 2800 hours. Thus, I became one of 2000 persons accredited as GCDF from NCDA all over the globe.

What People Say about FCD Program with Aya

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